No Comparison

Don’t compare yourself, your marriage, or your children to others!

Life is not perfect.. it’s a messy roller coaster ride that makes multiple stops at some fast food place during the week because you just don’t have the energy to cook dinner. And I’m here to tell you that that’s okay!!

Comparing myself to others is one of my biggest flaws. I go to post a picture of Wyatt or myself on Instagram and I’m instantly trying to find the best lighting, oh Wyatt has a stain on his shirt.. have to change him now, and start searching the Internet for the best caption.. usually some cheesy overly used quote found on Google, all for what? Just to get maybe 10-20 likes and a sense of acceptance? Not worth it!

With the rise of social media and this need to look perfect at all times, we are creating this mirage that everything IS perfect. But the reality is that you create your own happiness and your own picture of perfect! So post a picture of your messy kitchen because that means there are full bellies. Post a picture of your child who has grass stains on his knees and a suspicious brown spot on his shirt because that means he is growing and playing. Post a picture of yourself before bed with no make up on because that means you survived another roller coaster day.

Stop comparing yourself to others because in the end there is no comparison!

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